Why I’m Here…

For a lot of my life, I’ve felt out of place and like I never got it quite “right.” I was always saying or doing the wrong wrong thing. Heck, even as an adult I often felt like I was “in trouble” for saying or doing the wrong thing, and I almost never understood why. I just didn’t fit.

And then I found someone who GOT me. Who never thought I was too loud or too much and who never minded that I over-shared. Someone who liked my quirks and found my annoying habits endearing (bless him).

As it turns out, we’re both neurodivergent and both diagnosed as adults. We found out he was autistic about six years into our marriage (that’s a story in and of itself), then our oldest daughter and I were diagnosed with ADHD just last year.

Around this time, I also noticed a decided lack of real, down-to-earth social media content about neurodivergent families. Or really about anything, since social media has typically been about perfection.

So I created it.

I started sharing our story genuinely and authentically, and one day one particular video randomly blew up. With over 18 MILLION views and hundreds of DMs, friend requests, and (once I figured out how to turn on the “follower” feature on Facebook) 85K+ followers, I realized that SO MANY PEOPLE felt exactly the same way I did. I honestly had no idea there were so many weirdos like me out there. And my page was a place we could all come together. People started feeling hopeful and inspired and SEEN. And we built a lovely little community built on love and acceptance.

So now I’m here, continuing to keep it real and taking a deeper dive into sharing what neurodivergence in action looks like for us. I’ll be sharing about relationships, communication, intimacy, and other tips and tricks that work for us along the way. Because we’re all living life in real-time, and it’s nice to have a quirky, over-sharing friend who’s going through it all with you.